Yoshimasa Tsuchiya
2016.11.18 (Fri.) - 12.24 (Sat.)
11:00 - 19:00( Closed on Sunday and Monday & Public Holiday)
Opening Reception 11.18(Fri.) 18:00 - 20:00
Tree of Life

Lion, 2016, H98 x 83 x 45cm, woodcarving, borosilicate glass, polychrome Photo : Hiroyuki Takenouchi
MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY B1 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY is pleased to present Yoshimasa Tsuchiya’s 5th solo exhibition, “Tree of Life”.
Yoshimasa Tsuchiya(b.1977) had studied sculpture at Tokyo Art University and got a doctor's degree of conservation and restoration of a sculpture in 2007.
Tsuchiya gives a birth to wood by the traditional technique for Buddha statue restoration. Wood is a living material which breathe, the artist believes it's suitable for expressing life.
His works are known as animals which have mystic or seem to have real life with smooth skin and unique colors. And these works received favorable reviews at exhibitions or art fairs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Europe countries.
In this exhibition, Tsuchiya will release 4 new works and 3 large-scale works which was exhibited in Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum’s 90th Anniversary Exhibition “Dialogue with Trees”. He tried to leave a texture of the tree this time as his next step to make you feel the life power of tree from works.
We hope you enjoy Yoshimasa Tsuchiya’s solo exhibition, “Tree of Life” at MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY.